Monday, July 30, 2012

Inectables - Round 2!

Sometimes I can't help but wonder -- how in the world did I end up in this place?

I mean, seriously, here's how I figured all of this would go:

1) Get off the pill
2) Have sex A LOT with fabulous husband
3) Get pregnant 

BOOM -BAM, that was my plan in its entirety. A baby shower would then follow and soon after that, well,  a healthy, adorable little baby of course. Easy-peasy, right?, not so much. Of course, it does work that way for some people, and lately it's felt like it's worked that way for everyone BUT me (insert moment of feeling sorry for myself here).

Even so, it''s just so weird to know that all of this fertility stuff I've heard and read about OTHER people dealing with, is happening to me in the here and now.

Last week, on cycle day 3, I started round 2 of injectables. Luckily, my new doc was willing to let me use up the current medications I have on hand, to help with the overall expense.

So, this month I have a lovely  mix of Lepori, Bravelle, and Follistim.  Talk about a FUN night with hubby -- sorting out three separate ways of preparing, mixing and administering the injections. Can anyone say, DATE NIGHT?

Least favorite medication - Lepori, mainly because it's an intramuscular injection versus subcutaneous. John, the saint that he is, has been helping me get all the meds ready to go, but rightfully so, hasn't been too keen on actually being the one to administer the injections.

So, the first two nights I was on my own and injected the meds into alternating thighs, with much trepidation of course (yes, I'm a big baby and never could quite figure out how to confidently inject in my hip area).

But, after seeing me on day three, hobbling pathetically around the house, sore legs and all (thighs were NOT happy with what I had been doing to them), John finally relented and started administering the meds as well.

Not very sexy I know, but being pain-free on day five makes it all okay -- well, for me at least, I can't necessarily say the same thing for John, who may have turned green a couple of times, immediately post-injection (poor guy!).

Playing with this mix of meds though has quickly made me a big fan of subcutaneous medications, and an even bigger fan of injector pens. I guess that's the benefit of starting off initially (first stint with injectables two months ago) with the cheaper, intramuscular drug - you totally appreciate how much more awesome the subcutaneous meds can be!

Which brings us to today, cycle day 7, complete with sonogram. So far so good. At this point, it looks like my body is responding well to the meds. Multiple follicles ranging from 11mm to 6mm.  Next step? Ramp down on the dose levels for the next two days and then back to the doc on Wednesday for another look-see.

It's amazing how routine all of this is becoming. Good times! And, all for the greater good... 

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